Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our Nightmare Hospital Trip!

So our little Shay spent yet again another week in the hospital poor little girl. She is going to start thinking it is her home. This time it was the worst ever.. We took her in on monday the 16th cause she had croupe which made her asthma really bad. the peditrician let us go home with the understanding that is she got any worse she needed to go to the hospital. So we got home and about 4 hors later she was worse so we took her to primary childrens. When we got there it was packed with sick infected children. Me thinking i was a smart mom put mishayli in a mask before we even entered the hospital, They got us in pretty fast but we still had to sit in the waiting room for about 20 minutes which was long enough for shay to pick up RSV. So much for the mask. Does anyone else see a problem there? Well we finally got our er room and 6 hours later we finally got a room up stairs. She was admitted within the first hour she was there. She had a pretty rough first night we got to our room about 3:30 am and she was exausted then they decided she needed an IV before she could go to sleep cause they didn't want her eating or drinking cause her breathing was so bad. Well the next night she developed pnemonia and ended up in the PICU on a continous neb treatment for 2 days. So to wrap this up we finally were able to come this last saturday and she is locked up for about 6 weeks until her immune system rebuilds itself. Here are a few pictures of our little princess.